Friday, March 13, 2009

I think we all carve out a special spot to sew.
This is my spot! It's in our basement.
I can leave what ever I'm working on and
no one has to see the mess!!
I just need to get down there more often!!
Pam Jensen


  1. Pam thanks for sharing your favorite sewing spot. I am still at the kitchen table. What a mess!

  2. You should see my basement. I either need to drop a hobby, or hire a nanny to feed my kids so I have time to organize. I'd take a picture, but it's scary. Anyway, from one basement dweller to another, welcome!

  3. Pam. . .I love your space! I use to have a sewing room, but the fabric has moved in and I've moved out. Now, I'm much like Carolyn. . the kitchen table is my resting spot and to top it off, I have a cutting table in the living room! Guess it's time to down size the fabric room!
